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Se trata de crear un Anime Music Video de máximo 4 minutos de duración, podéis utilizar cualquier programa que seáis capaces de manejar para tal fin.

En esta ocasión deberéis contarnos una historia sobre la superación y la amistad.

Una vez comenzada la party podréis subir vuestras creaciones a la Intranet hasta el domingo a las 21:00.

No olvidéis poner vuestro nombre o nick y puesto en la party por si tuviéramos que ponernos en contacto con vosotros. Los trabajos se proyectarán la noche del domingo. La Organización se reserva el derecho de no reproducir aquellas producciones cuyo contenido atente contra el buen gusto (en concreto, el nuestro) o lo considere inadecuado.

Technical Requirements:

  • Must be one of following accepted file formats: MP4, MKV, AVI, MOV, MPG. (MP4, is suggested)
  • Files must be less than 350MB (unless you’ve gotten permission from us in advance).
  • No video quality defects (interlacing, macro-blocks, banding, blurring or aliased lines). *(Read below)
  • No audio quality defects (audible distortion, overdriven levels, low sample-rate/bitrate).*
  • No low-resolution entries. HD 720p is the minimum. HD 1080p is preferred.
  • Your entry must not require a strange degree of difficulty to work with. **(Read below)

(*) Entries are expected to look and sound as good as a store-bought DVD or Blu-Ray. (**) If a correctable problem is found in your entry, an opportunity to fix it will be granted, if time permits.

Subject to Disqualification:

  1. Non-Compliance with Technical Requirements: Entries deem to have not satisfied our technical requirements may be disqualified.
  2. Submission Freshness Requirement*: Your entry must not have been available for public view (online or at an event) prior to the freshness cut-off date of July 24th, 2015.
  3. Forbidden Material:
        a) Subtitles and/or karaoke lyrics.*(Read below)
        b) Corner watermark logos of any kind.
        c) Any references to other contests.
  4. Non-Compliance with Video Length Limits: 4min maximum (Intros/Credits apart)
  5. Explicit Content: The content and context of your entry must be suitable for an age 13+ audience.
  6. Non-Anime Content: Visual content of each entry must be at least 70% anime-styled or animation content.
  7. Non-Music Content: The audio content of all AMV entries must primarily be music. Entries with excessive and/or non-essential dialogue may be disqualified.*(Read below)
  8. Exceeding Submission Maximums: Entrants that exceed submission maximums shall have all excess entries disqualified.
  9. Micro-Vid Reels: Entries that are primarily a reel of multiple unrelated and random micro-AMVs are not eligible to compete.

*Exceptions may be granted if such usage is deemed as essential part of your entry’s concept.


  1. You unconditionally grant us eternal, irrevocable, and limitless permission to use, copy, share, and exhibit your submission(s) in any way including for purposes and usages outside of or unrelated to this event, and you grant this permission with no expectation of compensation, remuneration, or any form of obligation from us of any kind.
    1. The coordinators and judges may accept or reject any entry for any fair and justifiable reason not foreseen in these rules. No more explanations needed.
    2. The coordinators and judges are the final interpreters of any rule. Their decisions are final.
    3. Dishonesty, plagiarism of other AMVs (in whole or in part), or any actions that cause grief or dishonor to the event or to others may result in the offender being excluded from future AMV activities. Severe cases may result in banishment from all events.

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